Saturday, June 28, 2014


Welcome to my blog on using technology for teaching. As I posted here, I created this blog to help teaching and learning professionals leverage technology in maximizing the learning opportunities. I won't repeat that in this post.

I guess I just want to introduce myself a bit. I became interested in technology for teaching when I was still a trainer for a contact center training company in 2006. At that time, I found that there is a need for technology to support the learning outcomes of the program. Without extra payment, and using free online services, I designed and created systems that help my trainees get a realistic experience of what to expect when working in a call center.

When I started working at the University of the Philippines Manila, I learned how such a very prestigious learning institution can be slow in using technology to promote creativity, solve problems, engage collaboratively and approach learning globally. I also saw some who use technology but they fail to use it effectively. And of course, people were not very concerned about intellectual property. This was the Philippines.

So I came into this interest of helping the faculty of the University in overcoming "techno-phobia." Of course, they are not techno-phobic, it was just that they have been too comfortable with what they have been using. The computer for them was to prepare syllabi or lesson outlines, spreadsheets for grades, and presentation software as help in remembering what topic to discuss next.

So my passion is to help the people who are facilitating the learning process use technology to achieve their intended learning outcomes. Originally, I wanted to write a book, but now, I thought that a blog might be more helpful and more engaging -- I will welcome your comments and corrections. As a permanent student of learning, I love corrections, learning, and discussions.

I cannot promise any schedule of posting, as I work at a very busy agency. Suffice it to say that I really want to write more about technology to non-techie people, so every opportunity to write but I miss really makes me feel bad.

Oh, yeah. I will definitely mention brand names and companies. All trademarks and copyrights are owned by their respective owners (or something). What I want to say is that I am only referring to them, but I make no representation that I own them or that I promote them or something.

And if you have any topic you want me to discuss, feel free to ask at the comments section. I will try to discuss them as soon as possible, if I know the topic. As I hope to make clear, I am not a computer science or technology graduate, just a computer user that wants to share what I learned. I hope to learn from you, my readers, too.

For you to have an idea what the contents of this blog might be like, you can see my mind map here.

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